Vedic Astrology Calculators - The Most Helpful Astrology Feature

Astrology Calculators

· Calculators,Astrology Calculator


Vedic astrology can provide valuable hints aboutdifferent events in life. We can judge our weak and strong areas through
horoscope orthe birth chart. In Vedic astrology, various planets bring good and bad results
depending upon their positions in the birth chart. There are good yoga called
raj yoga and bad yoga called dosha in a person’s kundli. Astrology is a vast
science with numerous permutations and combinations for yoga or dosha to be
formed and canceled in the birth chart. Only after a lot of practice,
determination, and hard work can a person remember various good and bad
combinations in the birth chart.

The limitationof the modern human mind 

Our ancient seers were the scholars who had a greatmemory. They could memorize almost everything they heard or experienced with
utmost ease. But today, it is challenging to memorize telephone numbers and
addresses without the help of any app or software. The modern human mind has
become highly dependent on technology and the internet. We need mobile apps, software,
gadgets, and other electrical appliances to finish even the smallest tasks.

We need to see several things in the birth chart tomake out few predictions or understanding. It is difficult to remember each
yoga or other associations in the kundli. For everyday use, many astrology
software and mobile apps help calculate various yoga and dosha instantly. We
need calculators to calculate some essential yoga, without which it is almost
impossible to perform
kundli analysis.The karma Astro app, the most useful and popular astrology app, provides
several free astrology calculators that one can use for effective kundli

Some of the important astrology calculators are asfollows: 

Kaalsarp DoshaCalculator 

Kaalsarp dosha is one of the negative dosha in thekundli. When all the planets are placed in between the axis of Rahu and ketu,
the person is called to be afflicted with Kaal sarp dosha. However, a condition
creates partial Kaal sarp dosha in the horoscope. By using the karma Astro app,
a common person can instantly calculate whether he has Kaal Sarp dosha in his
kundli. The Kaal sarp dosha is responsible for constant failures, business
losses, health issues, marital disharmony, domestic problems, etc. Thus,
the kaalsarp dosha calculator helpsto know its presence and effective remedies to eradicate its ill effects. 

Manglik DoshaCalculators 

Manglik dosha is responsible for various problemsin the married life of a person. Mars creates Manglik dosha through its
presence in certain houses of the horoscope. Only a learned person can figure
out Manglik dosha in a kundli, as there are various cancellations available for
Manglik dosha in Vedic astrology. The
Manglik dosha calculator helps to detect a Manglik/mangal doshawithin a few seconds in the kundli. Manglik dosha creates hurdles and delays in
one’s marriage, and its rectification is required for a blissful married life.

Moon SignCalculators 

Moon is an important planet and is responsible forour mental attributes. The astrologers give equal importance to the Lagna and
the Moon chart. Knowing about the Moon sign is essential as it helps read daily
horoscopes and other important information about life. The
Moon sign calculators can instantly calculate your Moon signwhich you can use for getting future predictions through magazines and

Pitru DoshaCalculators 

Pitru dosha is one of the most negative doshas inthe kundli. Yoga is formed due to the association of the Sun with Saturn and
Rahu. The placement of the Sun in various houses is also important for the
formation of
Pitru dosha. Ittakes astrological expertise to detect Pitru dosha in the birth chart. But for
a common person,
the Pitru dosha calculator is a boon thatinstantly detects the presence of this dosha in the kundli. After knowing its
presence, one should try to remove its bad effects through various effective
astrological remedies.

Sadesati DoshaCalculator 

Sadesati is a phase that brings severaldifficulties in life. The planet Saturn is responsible for Sadesati through its
transit over the Moon. Now, the degrees of the natal Moon will decide a
person’s actual period of sadesati. This requires astrological expertise to
know about the sadesati of a person. One can use
the sadesati dosha calculator tofigure out the sadesati period easily. There are various remedies available to
mitigate the ill effects of the planet Saturn. One can use these remedies after
detecting the actual period of Sadesati.

RudrakshaSuggestion Calculator 

Various planets have various effects on anindividual. There is a need to strengthen and weaken the planets to get good
results in various aspects of life. The astrologers suggest wearing gems and
rudraksha to strengthen the benefic and rudraksha to remove the ill effects of
any planet. The
rudraksha suggestion calculator instantlysuggests which rudraksha you should wear to get the beneficial results of a specific
planet. Every planet has a specific type of rudraksha associated with it;
hence, it is fruitful to use the rudraksha suggestion calculator.

GemstoneSuggestion Calculator 

The gemstones attract universal energies and helpthem penetrate in the body. Astrologers suggest gemstones to help a person get
beneficial results in different aspects of life like education, career,
business, health, marriage, foreign trade/settlement, etc. It requires a great
amount of astrological expertise to suggest suitable gemstones to a person.
Astrologers usually suggest the gemstones of beneficial planets to improve
their positive results in life. One can use
a gemstone suggestion calculator to know the best suitable gem for himinstantly. 


The Ascendant is everything in Vedic astrology!Through the ascendant sign, one can make various astrological calculations and
predictions in astrology. The Ascendant decides the role of various planets in
his life. One needs to use an
ascendant calculator to readone’s daily horoscope and know about day-to-day affairs. It is essential to
know your Ascendant to understand the results of planetary placements and